How Joe’s Sister Came to Be

How Joe’s Sister Came To Be:
After calling up different Cancer Care Centers, hospitals, therapists, and other outreach programs nationwide I realized there was nothing for siblings who were experiencing a loss. My brother, mom, and I read a book called “Everything Changes,” a book about young adult cancer, and the author confirmed: There is nothing out there for siblings, if you are one you should start something.
So my thoughts on 11/12/12
I would start a forum for siblings of young adults with cancer.
As previously mentioned, Joe loved the idea.
These were my thoughts.
What up? Feel alone. Angry. Is anyone going through anything even remotely similar? Want to do something? Young adults with cancer, although diagnosed at 70K new cases a year, are not thought of with cancer.
It’s older frail bodies or younger underdeveloped bodies who are thought of. Young adult bodies are in their prime this shouldn’t happen. But it does.
Survival rates in this group suck, but it’s untapped because new research and therapies could be tried on bodies in their prime – giving cancer cells the biggest run on their money yet.
Common sense don’t over look it.
Looking for smart dedicated young adults whose sibling with cancer is their favorite and they would do anything to change the game.
Joe’s Sister